
Strengths and core competencies

Our skills are in line with the Core Skills of Genetic Counselors as defined by the National Society of Genetic Counselors. In brief, these seven key areas include:

  • Deep and broad knowledge of genetics,
  • Ability to tailor, translate and communicate complex information in a simple, relevant way for a broad range of audiences,
  • Strong interpersonal skills,
  • Emotional intelligence and self-awareness,
  • Ability to dissect and analyze a complex problem,
  • Research skills (self-education),
  • In-depth knowledge of healthcare delivery.

DNAXPRT Consulting genetic counselors are unique in that we are highly adaptable and very experienced in setting up cancer genetics programs at different institutions with varying physician preferences. Though not employed by the individual hospitals, we work seamlessly with each group. Another factor contributing to our success is experience with over 65 years of combined clinical experience.

We continually work on streamlining our business - maximizing appropriate patient referrals in an efficient way, aiming to make genetic counseling accessible and convenient to patients. We are an organized, cohesive group with a depth of clinical knowledge beyond cancer genetics.

Challenges for the pRactitioner

The complexities of cancer genetic counseling are unique and require a significant time commitment on the part of the practitioner. Many healthcare providers feel they have neither the time nor the expertise to provide these important services for their patients.

We can improve a patient’s quality of care by dealing with both the technical and emotional aspects of increased cancer risk.   Experienced genetic counselors are a necessity for centers providing comprehensive, up-to-date, oncology care.  We maintain the standards of excellence in our field through continuing education, attendance at conferences, and even involving our team in research.

LOng term

Our plans for the future are to grow our certified genetic counselor base and work with hospital systems and/or private physician groups who want to add, develop or expand genetic counseling services.